HomeMobile MarketingDraftKings, Tums team for food-focused Super Bowl betting game

DraftKings, Tums team for food-focused Super Bowl betting game

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  • Sports activities-betting platform DraftKings and Tums, the antacid model, have teamed for a free-to-play sport, titled Tums Prop Bites, round Tremendous Bowl LVIII, per particulars shared with Advertising and marketing Dive. 
  • Tums Prop Bites permits customers utilizing a designated microsite to guess on the small print round well-liked game-day meals, like what number of pizzas shall be delivered earlier than halftime, for the prospect to win a share of a $10,000 prize pool. Tums in partnership with GoPuff will even be doling out free product through the sport. 
  • Comic Desus Good will act because the official “Prop Bites Tipster” and seem in digital and social content material. The star will even seem at a pop-up occasion hosted by DraftKings and Tums at Circa Stadium Swim in Las Vegas, the host metropolis of this yr’s Tremendous Bowl. 

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DraftKings and Tums have linked up forward of the Tremendous Bowl to check customers’ information of game-day meals habits for the prospect to win a money prize. The partnership indicators how sports activities betting, which has turn out to be authorized in lots of states throughout the nation, has grown more and more intertwined with promoting. One other signal of the instances, Las Vegas this yr will host the Tremendous Bowl for the primary time, a transfer that comes 20 years after the town was banned from operating Tremendous Bowl campaigns.  

Tums Prop Bites — a pun on the favored “prop bets” obtainable by way of the DraftKings app — permits customers no less than 18 years of age the chance to guess the reply to questions surrounding a few of the Tremendous Bowl’s hottest meals, like what number of gallons of avocados are anticipated to be eaten on sport day. The free-to-play sport is obtainable now by way of Feb. 11, the day of Tremendous Bowl LVIII, and touts a $10,000 prize pool. The sport closes at kickoff. As sports activities betting grows in reputation, linking with DraftKings might assist Tums faucet into pop-culture hype whereas selling its antacid qualities in opposition to greasy sport day meals. 

Rounding out its efforts, Tums in partnership with supply service GoPuff is providing a free 60-count bottle of Tums Chewy Bites, whereas provides final, to customers who go to its designated microsite at halftime. Moreover, DraftKings and Tums will host a Tums Prop Bites Meals On line casino at Circa Stadium Swim to kick off Tremendous Bowl weekend on Feb. 9 from 12pm to 6pm. Included within the pop-up shall be an look from Good along with video games that friends can play for the prospect to win prizes.

DraftKings’ Tums tie-up follows the corporate’s current announcement that it wouldn’t be returning to Tremendous Bowl promoting this yr after three consecutive appearances on the large sport. In the meantime, others within the sports-betting area have cemented their plans. Amongst them, BetMGM introduced it will likely be making its Tremendous Bowl debut with assist from new inventive company of file Highdive. Moreover, FanDuel will promote within the sport for a second consecutive yr with a marketing campaign serving because the sequel to final yr’s “Kick of Future,” which noticed NFL icon Rob Gronkowski try to finish a 25-yard area objective throughout a stay third-quarter business break, a kick that he missed, although the precise final result was debated on social media.

Apart from sports-betting platforms, plenty of client packaged items manufacturers have equally introduced their large sport plans, together with Drumstick, Doritos, M&M’s and Hellmann’s. Regardless of 2023 having been a yr marked by a pullback in advertiser spending, manufacturers have been fast to decide to Tremendous Bowl promoting. By the beginning of November, CBS had practically bought out of all of its Tremendous Bowl promoting stock, with a 30-second advert reportedly going for between $6.5 and $7 million.


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